Letters from Dallen while on his mission... July 27, 2016-July 2018

Monday, March 19, 2018

How we hang

Hey all! It’s been a pretty good week. We found quite a few people which was dope, most of them bailed out when we came around again for a return appointment. All goods though. We got threatened by this one dude. We were tracting and he started raging at us, “get the F off this porch before you get hurt”. Things of that nature. He was a good lad. (: 

Oh also. The worst thing happened. Me and elder t got on a bus and saw something really really gross on a seat. I won’t say what it was. But it was mingin. I hate public transport haha. I always check my seat like a thousand times before sitting. But yeah so we were chillin talking, then all a sudden a lady sat right on that seat with the gross thing on it. We didn’t even have the chance to warn her. We just looked at each other with horror on our faces. That poor lady. Rip. Always check before you sit my friends.

We went to the temple with Mikaela and it was amazing!!! Ah man I loved it so much. We did the baptisms for about sixty of mikaela’s ancestors and it was just so great. The spirit was super strong. Mikaela loved it too, and was so happy. It was an excellent day. The temple truly is the house of god.

Thaaats about it! Transfers came round, and me and elder t will be staying here in Blackpool. Should be good. Our whole district is staying together actually which is pretty crazy, first time that’s happened to me. How neat is that? That’s pretty neat. 
Well I love you all and hope you have a great week!
-Elder edwards

 Video: Hangin like the Chavs

Chavs (what they call teenagers who cause trouble)

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