Monday! We called up Cheryl to set up an appointment. Cheryl told Elder Artates not to come around anymore (we got dropped) cause she talked to her pastor and her pastor told her a bunch of rubbish about us. So I was like NOPE not having any of that and cruised right on over to her house. I was pretty straight up with her, talking about the Book of Mormon, and restored Christianity, and she committed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and the restored church! Undropped! Two thumbs up. (: haha we did it in a nice way so no worries.
In honor of DP |
We met a really crazy lady. She was great. I also ate a lot of ice cream this week. We got dropped by a couple other people who we thought were promising. That was too bad, but we haven't given up hope on them. (:
We taught Alex again a couple nights this week. We had some proper good lessons with him, and he is now reading and praying. He's a homie. Him and his sister Christina came to the chapel and played some pingin and pongin then we had a lesson. Well a chat really about Jesus Christ. (: it was the good stuff!
Last week p day we cruised around the great orme chasing goats. It was a real good time.
Emma unfortunately cancelled tea this week so we weren't able to teach her. But! She signed up for tea again this week so hopefully it goes through this time. (: Kieran's mom still doesn't really want us missionaries coming around, so we're still looking for a way around that.
Oh yeah! Super solid thing that happened this week! In my first transfer when I was in Rhyl I was on an exchange with Elder Kaonohi. We were just rockin some tracting in Abergele. We met this nice lady Zoe, who her mother had passed away recently. We had a good chat with her. Then I forgot about it for a year. But Saturday night we were deciding what to do, cause we weren't really feeling what we had planned. And I remembered Zoe! So we cruised on over to Abergele, and the spirit led us to her house! Cuz I didn't really remember. She was in and we had such a great chat. We really felt the spirit and it was just good stuff. So that was the best. Unfortunately she is moving, staying in the area though. She isn't giving out the address yet, because she doesn't have the house for sure and doesn't want to jinx it. So we gonna be praying hard to be led to her again. (: